IT & Fleet Deployments

IT & Fleet Deployments

Summit is designed to meet the stringent requirements of IT Professionals. Whether you're rolling it out to just your office or your entire worldwide employee base, Summit has what you need to be successful.

Background Installation


Simply run the Windows installer using your preferred enterprise device management solution with the following switches....

Completely Silent

Mostly Silent


Use your preferred enterprise device management solution to copy the .app package to /Applications on each Mac.

Background Licensing (Coming Soon)

Please contact us for a license file for enterprise deployments.


Launch Summit with these options to silently license each installation in the background without any user interaction...

Summit.exe /license pathToLicenseFile


Licensing on the Mac is almost identical to the PC process...

/MacOS/Summit /license pathToLicenseFile

Attendee Deployment (Coming Soon)


Deploying your company's list of attendees is simple. Just run Summit with the following switch...

Summit.exe /importAttendees file.csv

Use a Comma Separated Value (.csv) file with columns in the following format:


Every line of the text file is a new person and the filename should end with a .csv extension.


Deploying attendees on the Mac is very similar to the PC process...

/Applications/ /importAttendees file.csv

Use a Comma Separated Value (.csv) file with columns in the following format:


Every line of the text file is a new person and the filename should end with a .csv extension.



HKCU\Software\Ministry of Bits\Summit

Enable/Disable Auto Updates: SUAutomaticallyUpdate as 0 (False) or 1 (True)

Update Frequency: SUScheduledCheckInterval with a value in seconds*



Enable/Disable Auto Updates: SUAutomaticallyUpdate as False or True

Update Frequency: SUScheduledCheckInterval with a value in seconds*

* You can use any seconds value you desire and here are some of the more commonly used values...

  • Daily: 86400

  • Weekly: 604800

  • Twice a Month: 1209600

  • Monthly: 2592000