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Run Your Meetings Like a Boss by Patrick Salo

What Are Some Meeting Alternatives Free Resource

What Are Some Meeting Alternatives Free Resource

Another week and this time another free resource. Hot off the heels of last week's blog post on alternatives to holding a meeting is an infographic on Meeting Alternatives. Glance at this free resources when an important meeting falls through and you need to come up with alternate plans to continue...

21st Jul 2024 - Patrick Salo
Alternatives to Holding a Meeting

Alternatives to Holding a Meeting

Sometimes, even though holding a meeting might be helpful, you need to communicate and solve problems in an alternative way. Maybe the timing of the meeting doesn't work out for the attendees or maybe the agenda is such that you don't need to bring everyone together. We all know that business carrie...

14th Jul 2024 - Patrick Salo
What is an Action Required Free Resource

What is an Action Required Free Resource

This week's blog post rolls out yet another free resource, this time for Action Required (AR). Use this resource to help remember exactly what an Action Required is and what things go into making one successful. This is useful for everyone, whether you're creating an AR for someone else, or one is b...

7th Jul 2024 - Patrick Salo
Conducting a Post Meeting Review Free Resource

Conducting a Post Meeting Review Free Resource

Following on the heels of last week's blog post, is a free resource to help reinforce the questions posed by a post meeting review. Use the Post Meeting Review to jog your memory on what kinds of questions you should be asking, wether you're doing the review after the fact as a facilitator, or col...

30th Jun 2024 - Patrick Salo
An Easy Way to Boost Your Meeting Effectiveness

An Easy Way to Boost Your Meeting Effectiveness

No one is perfect, although we can all strive towards perfection through continuous improvement. Managing and running meetings is no different. Whether you're looking at athletic performance or simply improving your golf game, one of the best ways of improving is by reviewing your prior games.


23rd Jun 2024 - Patrick Salo
Addressing Persistently Late Arrivals

Addressing Persistently Late Arrivals

You've scheduled your meeting and the time has come for it to start. You're ready to go as are many of the other attendees and yet again, you have some folks who are straggling in later by five sometimes even ten minutes. In this situation it's hard to get your meeting moving and this causes reverb...

16th Jun 2024 - Patrick Salo
Setting Meeting Expectations & Ground Rules

Setting Meeting Expectations & Ground Rules

There a couple of things we haven't discussed that can be particularly helpful especially for longer and more formal meetings such as face-to-faces, meetings with many attendees or meetings that run many hours in length. These two items are expectations and ground rules that are set towards the begi...

9th Jun 2024 - Patrick Salo
What is a Meeting Rathole?

What is a Meeting Rathole?

The agenda topic has been set and there's a limited amount of time to discuss how to make the current project phase come in on time and under budget. Along the way the issue of the support team comes up and their lack of staffing, limited number of test machines and the inability to mirror the custo...

26th May 2024 - Patrick Salo
Using a Bin List to Keep Your Meetings on Track

Using a Bin List to Keep Your Meetings on Track

You've planned ahead and plotted out your agenda items for your meeting, prepared decision makers and have a defined purpose for the meeting. In spite of all of this, things will still come up that aren't on topic, take too much time to address or simply aren't a good fit for the meeting itself.


19th May 2024 - Patrick Salo