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- Patrick Salo

Conducting a Post Meeting Review Free Resource

Following on the heels of last week's blog post, is a free resource to help reinforce the questions posed by a post meeting review. Use the Post Meeting Review to jog your memory on what kinds of questions you should be asking, wether you're doing the review after the fact as a facilitator, or collectively towards the end of longer meeting.

Just like with the other free resources here at Ministry of Bits, feel free to share them with colleagues and others who strive towards meeting excellence. Or print them out and use them as reference materials down the road.

Doing a post meeting review isn't rocket science, but it does mean taking the time and effort to make it happen. And once done, you can use your findings to improve your future meetings, not just for yourself, but for all attendees invited. Doing a review can take a mere few moments to a few minutes and this time investment can quickly supercharge your performance in future meetings.

Download this free Post Meeting Review resources from the Ministry of Bits website.

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