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- Patrick Salo

What Are Some Meeting Alternatives Free Resource

Another week and this time another free resource. Hot off the heels of last week's blog post on alternatives to holding a meeting is an infographic on Meeting Alternatives. Glance at this free resources when an important meeting falls through and you need to come up with alternate plans to continue to make progress. Or maybe utilize some other methods of communication if folks get overburdened with meetings and need a week or two of breather.

As with the other free resources available here at Ministry of Bits, you’re welcome to share them with colleagues and others who are committed to achieving excellence. Alternatively, you can print them out and use them as reference materials in the future. Or download them to your computer so that you have them on hand to search for down the road.

Just because a meeting isn't going to be held, it doesn't mean that you can't continue to move towards your goals. There are many online and offline options in order to help you achieve success. Use all the tools available for your tool belt in order to ensure that you're always prepared when meeting plans change, as they invariably do.

Download this free Meeting Alternatives resources from the Ministry of Bits website.

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