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- Patrick Salo

Coming Soon...

Today marks the announcement of a new product by Ministry of Bits for an entirely different industry. We've always been focused on professionals, first business professionals and starting today, now expanding to print professionals. The product is almost done and is getting readied for a big unveiling soon. In the meantime, if you want to be notified as soon as the formal announcement happens at product launch, there's a new print professionals newsletter you can sign up for.

As with our prior newsletter, now called the business professionals newsletter, there little risk to join. Your information will never be sold and you can unsubscribe at any time. The newsletter will be low volume, and our intention is never to send an overabundance of emails as to make ourselves unwelcome. Otherwise, feel free to continue to follow the blog, the Ministry of Bits website and various other avenues on the web and social media to stay tuned in, on where we're going next.

The future is extremely exciting, and the next product we're putting the final touches on, is even more so. If you're a print professional, you don't want to miss out on the big announcement. There's several extremely unique features and tremendous improvements built in to help your business succeed within the marketplace. Many will say that our new offering for shop management will be groundbreaking, especially in comparison to what's already out there. We can't wait to tell you more soon and fill you in on all the details.

The next gen in shop management for print professionals is coming soon...

Discover the future. Sign up to learn more!

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